In the Father's Hands

With every gasp, the father would pump air into his son's lungs, thereby assuring his son's breathing. Any person knew that it was not enough to do that but at that time, the father was the only thing that was keeping the son alive. Yet I saw no panic nor heard any complaints from the father. He would just quietly pump oxygen into his son's mouth. From time to time, he would pause to wipe the sweat from his brow and his son's forehead. Then he would bend down to kiss his son's cheeks or utter words of encouragement to him (though I had know way of knowing for sure what he really said).
I never knew what happened to the son, whether he survived or not. I never learned what happened to the father either but one thing I knew was that the Father showed his son the best act of love that he could do. His son needed him by his side, and he was there. He never left the son during the time that he needed him most. He didn't mind the exhaustion of having to pump oxygen into his son's mouth again and again even though he wasn't sure whether his son would survive. At that moment, only one thing was in his mind: I have to be with my son because he needs me.

Whenever I reflect on this scene I could not help but cry. I know that God is exactly like that untiring father in the pedia ward: He never leaves our side especially when we are in great pain or loss. The son in the hospital might not even know that his father was by his side during his most difficult times. But his father was there nonetheless, like our own Father in Heaven. There have been many times (I'm sure you and I have) when we think that we have been abandoned or rejected by God the Father. Sometimes, all things seem to convince us that He has left us, but He is there. Always. If a father here on earth could show much love to his suffering son, how much more will our Father in Heaven show His love for us? God the Father will never forsake us or leave us. He is with us all the time. Only we have to believe in this so that we can feel His wonderful love for all of us...