In My Father's House

Poems, Prayers, Inspirations, Photos and Musings about life, love and what it means to be a child of the Father

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Giver not the Gift

I have always been uneasy with exchange gifts that require people to put a minimum amount to what they should give. While there is an intention that no one should be short-changed or receive less than what he expected, there is a prevailing notion here that "I give this much, so why should I get less?" It is as if the primary reason for giving gifts is to receive something in return. And that something should better be nothing less than what one has given. All is fair and everybody happy. Far from it!

A gift is something that is freely given. And since it is given freely, the giver should not expect anything in return. The receiver of the gift, on the other hand, has no obligation whatsoever to "pay back" the gift she has received. If gift-giving was merely a give and take thing, then we should not bother giving gifts at all. We give gifts precisely because we want the one who receives our gift to be happy. Our happiness does not consist of receiving in return.

God is the perfect example of a great Giver. He gave His only begotten Son not really expecting us to love Him in return or to show our gratitude towards His free Gift. He gave Jesus to us precisely because He loved us so and He wanted to make us happy. Whether we give something to Him in return or not, does not in any way diminish or increase His love for us. God gave without expecting something in return. After all how can the One who has everything ask for more?

For this Christmas we are invited to relish not only the gifts that we receive but the giver as well. And not to forget too, the Giver of the givers.


  • At 8:19 AM, Blogger Topwomen said…

    thanks for stopping by and saying Merry christmas. After reading your profile, I see you missed a very lively discussion on heaven and hell on my blog yesterday and today that you may have been able to comment on.

  • At 11:28 PM, Blogger Photography said…


  • At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Blessed Christmas!

    Thanks for what you've written

  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger sonoftheprodigal said…

    rgmb, jonathan, jeff and lorna: thanks for visiting. may you all have a blessed Christmas. God bless all of you!


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