In My Father's House

Poems, Prayers, Inspirations, Photos and Musings about life, love and what it means to be a child of the Father

Monday, July 04, 2005

Prayer of One Suffering from Affliction

Loving Father,

You are the God of the Universe
You know the goings-on in the world
You see my every move and You hear
my thoughts from way up There

You know the things that are happening to me
You feel my pain and my sorrow
You know too the causes of these
Nothing is hidden from You

I pray now that You hear my pleas
I am most aggrieved and am suffering
I ask that You send Your Holy Spirit
to accompany me, to give me strength and hope

Father, I offer to You all my pains
All things that give me discomfort and dis-ease
Heal me from all my wounds
Smother me with Your warm embrace
Calm me, soothe me
Envelope me with Your love and grace

These I ask , through Your Son Jesus Christ
Our Lord and Saviour.


Son of the Prodigal


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