In My Father's House

Poems, Prayers, Inspirations, Photos and Musings about life, love and what it means to be a child of the Father

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Beauty of the Morning

The beauty of the morning lies in knowing that the night has passed and the dawn has arrived, bringing with it new possibilities, new hope, new dreams. As the sun's rays crawl over the mountaintops and spreads over the sea, you know that night is over along with its nightmares and shadows.

I give praise to you Father for You created the darkness so when can fully appreciate light. I give praise to you that even in the darkest night You created the moon and the stars to remind us that we are never alone. I give praise to You because in the dark we can confront our deepest fears and bring them to Your shining Light. May this new day bring forth all the graces and blessings You intended for me and for all the people I will be meeting today.


The Son of the Prodigal Father


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